2 Desktop Vaporizers under C$100 Sort by: Price ascendingPrice descendingMost Popular Show filters Desktop Vaporizer C$ 0-100 Clear all filters Lookah Seahorse X Multifunctional Electronic Dab Rig The Lookah Seahorse X is a versatile electric dab kit that is designed to be ... from C$69.73 Easy Vape Digital The Easy Vape is a box-style vaporizer with a modern, minimalist digital touch. It heats ... from C$99.31 Recent searches on Vapospy → Vaporizers featuring Haptic Feedback (Vibration) → Vaporizer Accessories & Parts → Vaporizers made in Germany → Convection Vaporizers → Battery-powered Cannabis Vaporizers → Bong (Waterpipe) Compatible Vaporizers → Arizer Vaporizers → Pulsar Vaporizers